Whether abandonment, substance abuse, racism, violence, neglect, crimes, moral indignation; this opportunity of inconceivability. Everyone is accounted as the Innate Sovereign Heritage.
Clemens Compositae
Absolute and Unconditional Forgiveness is required for Innate Sovereign health. It damages every part of the body structure and prevents effective operation.
Creating /Holding onto hatred is like swallowing lethal poison expecting someone else to die. Furthermore, the events have been replaced with new, one in a Life time occurrences. Your attention on this present matter.
Reduce Homelessness
A component of America can never be anything else. Over the next 4 years relentless determination must be expended to remind everyone of their responsibilities and obligations to higher standards.
If there is sick, we treat them, if there is hunger or nakedness we cloth and feed them. America affords the basic luxuries afforded Sovereignty.
Reduce Hunger
Nourishment an inalienable necessity of a Sovereignty. Providing proper nutrient, exercise and health care essentials are a mandate, not an option. Everyone is responsible to their obligation to secure the well being of all.
This is a vast and extremely important undertaking. It requires all efforts and resources; all inclusive, none excluding. Your ideas and energies are needed to account and consolidate efforts underway. Streamline effort to eliminate waste, increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Overcome Self Abuse, Abandonment & Neglect
Recognize Innateness, that nurtured before the beginning, that which cannot be broken by anything of this reality. No drug, alcohol, violence or manner of abuse blamed can effect Innate Sovereignty but indicate presence need at Source Origin.
Stand as examples for those "deValued" thinking, acting and living otherwise. See and treat them as significant components of completeness. Acknowledge their unique excellence vital to the success of Life and America.
Increase in Employment
Venture Phoenix drives business efforts structured towards advancing the betterment of the Life experience. Encouraging waste reduction and quality enhancements through direct customer communication instead of advertisement based exchange.
Businesses are encourage restructure training aim to increase community skill levels in addition their operations. The higher the knowledge base of the community, greater the future potential profits.
Door stickers encourage community support for participating venues.
Increase of Inalienability
In America, a nation of occurrence determinants, there is no demotion, punishment, imprisonment or separation. We are a permanence of excellence.
None may deprive of Life or Liberty. None should behave in a fashion necessitating the slightest reproach.
Usage Dependency of Chemical Medicines
Research and development effort enhance the condition of Life experience. Geneticist recognize that everyday occurrence affect the DNA of our children and others around us. The probability exist that treatments are to be aimed at an origin not of this temporal plane.
Example: Self imposed stress reduction to lower blood pressure.
Reduce D3bt
Financial debt contribute a further investment into lack of security, fear and uncertainty. Emotional, mental and physical stability are at risk if left unchecked.
Talk to or visit the people that you've been putting off. That is a category unto itself sourced in Innateness. Invest in creating Innate opportunity, excellence and prosperity.
Increase/Enhance Quality of Life
Recognize yourself as Source Origination. Look for and demand the best in all that you are and every one around you. Put the greatest effort in everything you do and look for that presence as Life.
Recognize the valued contribution of growth and enhancement by others. Appreciate and reinvest gains.